Alexa Profile

The heart of personalization.


I've limited the details of this public case study due to the sensitive nature of the project and the confidentiality of Amazon.

Alexa customers needed a way to manage what Alexa knows about them as an individual – their biometrics, preference, privacy and security settings, etc.

My Role

I was the head of design for the program, leading multiple cross-functional teams and designers across the Alexa organization.


The launch of the Alexa Profile ushered in a paradigm shift, moving Alexa from an impersonal assistant to a personal one. It set the bar for profiles across Amazon by being the first profile launched for any Amazon product. The number of personalized Alexa experiences increases exponentially within the first year.


A profile sounds like a trivial thing, table-stakes for any app or service. There were four key challenges I needed to overcome to figure this out:


This was going to be a core strategic component to the holistic Alexa experience. I needed to squint into the future to see what a personal Alexa might look like.

A sample of what the Alexa Profile would unlock.


Everyone in the world needed to be able to access their profile regardless of context. I needed to design for everyone and every modality.

A peek into the extensive usability testing.

Systems Thinking & Design

I risked setting false expectations of personalization where there was none. I needed to design a solution that fits within and expands the holistic existing Alexa expereince.

One of many flows to show how this ties the ecosystem together.

Durability & Scalability

Phase 2 is a real thing this time. I needed to design a solution that scales and evolves after it's launch, looking around the corner to plan for future needs and expectations.


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